A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: “De Gedachtenis des rechtvaardigen.” Het leven van H.I. Dibbetz—Een vriend van Dr. A. Kuyper—door J. Bressen.
[S.l.], Vereeniging “De Gereformeerde Jongelingsbond” [1910] (Kampen, J.H. Kok), pp. 130–133.
Published: January 1910.
Dated: ’s Gravenhage, December 27, 1874.
Letter, see also: 1928.02 (pp. 71–74).
Title edition, see: 1910.02.

Kuyper wrote this letter of condolence to Mrs. C.M. Dibbetz-van Laar on the day after the death of her husband, H.I. Dibbetz (see 1909.21). Signed “your friend Kuyper,” the letter was published in a biography of H.I. Dibbetz by J. Bressen (pseudonym of Johanna Maria Sielof, 1849–1930). This biography was offered as a bonus (cf. 1897.23) for the buyers of the 1910 yearbook of the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles. The biography and the yearbook each appeared in editions of 2,500 copies.