A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Rede van Dr. A. Kuyper.
In: De Haagsche Bondsdag. Redevoeringen en referaat gehouden op de 21ste Algemeene Vergadering van den Nederl. Bond van Jongel. Vereenigingen op Geref. Grondslag—20 Mei 1909.
[S.l.] Uitgave van de Vereenging “De Gereformeerde Jongelingsbond” [1909], pp. [37]–42.
Published: June 1909.
ET: Speech by Dr. A. Kuyper

Speech delivered during the twenty-first annual meeting of the Dutch Federation of Young Men’s Associations on Reformed Principles, held in the Kurhaus in Scheveningen. Also known as the “Dibbetz speech,” the address has a distinctly autobiographical tone. Kuyper calls H.I. Dibbetz (1817–1874) his “spiritual father” and notes that Dibbetz had not only been his friend, leader, and supporter (cf. 1910.01), but had also predicted that the Dutch youth would listen to Kuyper’s call of duty. Kuyper also gave the members of the federation—his “spiritual children”—a treasured portrait of Dibbetz. The portrait was published along with Kuyper’s speech in the collection of addresses and lectures from the meeting.

Kuyper had wanted to attend this meeting once again (cf. 1908.19) because it was being held in his place of residence. During the meeting he was given a beautiful document in calligraphy attesting to his status as an honorary member of the federation (see 1897.06) and naming him “His Excellency Dr. A. Kuyper, Minister of State.” Three government ministers (including Kuyper) delivered speeches during this meeting.