A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Dictaten dogmatiek van Dr. A. Kuyper. [V.] Locus de Magistratu, Consummatione Saeculi. College-dictaat van een der studenten.
Tweede druk. Met een woord vooraf van Dr. A. Kuyper
Kampen, J.H. Kok [1913]. XXVI, [2], 445, 327 pp., 25cm.—subscription price for the series (5 vols.) cl. ƒ40.-, mco. ƒ44.-.
Run: 750 (including 1913.04).
Published: March 1913.
Added to the title page: Dictaten dogmatiek van Dr. A. Kuyper.
Spine title: Dictaten dogmatiek van Dr. A. Kuyper. V.
2nd edition of: 1893.10; 1892.27.
Title edition, see: 1913.04.
Vol. 1–4, see: 1910.22; 1911.20; 1911.22; 1912.22.
Title edition of the Locus de Magistratu, see: 1953.01.
Binding, see: 1910.22.
ET: Notes from the dogmatic lectures by Dr. A. Kuyper. [V.] Locus about the magistrate, the consummation of the ages. Lecture notes by one of the students.

Five hundred extra copies of the Locus de Magistratu were printed. Forty years later, the printed sheets of these additional copies were bound and put on sale (see 1953.01).