A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 42 (1914), no. 12849, February 28, 1914.
ET: Many thanks for your festive greetings which testified to such heartfelt sympathy. Remain and become ever more the inspiring and living force to keep high the honor of our holy principles.

Veel dank voor Uw van zoo hartelijke sympathie getuigenden feestgroet. Blijve en worde steeds meer de bezielende en levende kracht, om de eer van onze heilige beginselen hoog te houden. Kuyper.

An expression of gratitude for a telegram that was sent during the Anti-Revolutionary Propaganda rally, convened in Hoofddorp on February 27 by the Anti-Revolutionary Propaganda Club in the Haarlemmermeer (see 1902.06). In that telegram, the meeting had thanked Kuyper for all he had accomplished for the Dutch people and had wished him God’s blessing as he advanced in years.

For the numbering of this volume of De Standaard, see 1911.07.