A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Die Niederlande. Von Staatsminister a. D. Dr. Abraham Kuyper, ehemaligem Königlich Niederländischen Ministerpräsidenten.
In: Die Woche 18 (1916), no. 52, December 23, 1916, pp. 1821–1825.
Translation (Dutch), see: 1917.04.
ET: The Netherlands. By Minister Ret. Dr. Abraham Kuyper, former prime minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Kuyper wrote this article at the invitation of the editorial staff of the German weekly paper, Die Woche. The editors had invited prominent foreigners to write about their countries’ experiences as neutral states during the Great War. The first article was contributed by a Norwegian; Kuyper’s contribution was the second in the series.

In the article Kuyper discusses the Netherlands’ position by reflecting on two questions—the first relating to the genealogical, geographical, and historical factors that had led the Dutch to take a neutral position, and the second relating to the future of the conflict (i.e., which conclusion to the war did the people of the Netherlands fear most?). Kuyper also refers to a brief editorial, “Pro Duitsch” [Pro German], that had appeared in De Standaard, no. 13959, October 13, 1917.

Kuyper received a bouquet from the German emperor Wilhelm II in 1917 for his eightieth birthday.