A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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“De kleyne luyden.” Openingsrede ter Deputatenvergadering van 23 November 1917.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1917. 23 pp., portr., 25cm.—ƒ0.45.
Run: 3,400.
Published: November 1917.
On the title page: Maar het dwaze der wereld heeft God uitverkoren, opdat Hij de wijzen beschamen zou; en het zwakke der wereld heeft God uitverkoren, opdat Hij het sterke zou beschamen. 1Cor. 1:27.
See also: 1951.01.
RKB 218.
ET: “The little people.” Opening speech at the Meeting of Deputies of November 23, 1917.

A year after 1916.07 an extraordinary Meeting of Deputies of the Anti-Revolutionary Party was again convened in Utrecht. In 1917 the new franchise law was reconciled with the revised constitution, and the new electoral system made it necessary once again to make changes to the Anti-Revolutionary Party’s statutes. Kuyper opened the meeting of delegates convened for this purpose with this speech, entitled “De kleyne luyden” in reference to his cherished religious and political supporters. The term was derived from William of Nassau, the prince of Orange (1533–1584), who had initially hoped to receive support from the aristocracy and the nobility, but who had received his support in the end from common folk and the lower middle classes. In the address Kuyper expresses his concerns about the temptations that might come along with the new electoral system. He proposes that voters have no choice but to persevere—just as the “little people” had done in their struggle against Spain.

A photograph of Kuyper, taken at the publisher’s request and at his expense, was printed on the page opposite the title page. The speech was published on the day of the meeting. A larger format copy has also been preserved (28cm.), with pages printed on one side only (24 pp.) and with enlarged interlinear spacing (cf. 1909.27). H.S.S. Kuyper, his eldest daughter, made a note on the title page stating that her father had delivered his speech from this copy and that he had added the punctuation marks and corrections in his own hand. In the peroration—“Remain fellow brothers, the little people, but remain, so that you can be it, always great in your God”—Kuyper had penned the words “of Orange” next to the words “the little people.”