A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De wortel in de dorre aarde. Openingsrede ter Deputatenvergadering van 2 November 1916.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1916. 21, (3) pp., 25cm.—ƒ0.30.
Run: 3,400.
Published: November, 1916.
2nd printing (print run: 1,000) also published in: November, 1916.
See also: 1951.01.
RKB 210.
ET: Root in the dry ground. Opening speech at the Meeting of Deputies of November 2, 1916.

The nineteenth Meeting of Deputies of Anti-Revolutionary Electoral Associations, which took place in Utrecht on November 2, 1916, was not occasioned by the upcoming electoral campaign, but by proposed revisions to the Anti-Revolutionary Party program (see 1878.01) and its statutes (see 1878.02). Revision and reorganization were deemed necessary because the party, having grown so much since its founding forty years earlier, was now facing unanticipated and broader challenges. A committee had already been appointed in 1907 to explore this process. The committee’s proposed changes had been submitted for approval to the electoral associations, which added numerous comments to the proposals slated for discussion at this meeting. Kuyper was assured that these revisions would be passed so he did not discuss them in detail in his speech. Rather, he examined the situation of the Anti-Revolutionary Party in light of the prophecy found in Isaiah 53:2.

In the address Kuyper draws on several historical examples to show how a movement’s growth declines and withers like a plant in dry ground when the light of its ideals pale. He contends, however, that there is hope for revival among the Anti-Revolutionaries since Christ is at the root of the party. At the conclusion of the speech, Kuyper expresses his hope that those who have left for another Christian party will soon reunite with the Anti-Revolutionary Party. He predicts that reunification will come about sooner or later, but he confesses: “I feel that it will happen more quickly when my disappearance from the scene will have shifted away one more bolt from the dividing door.”