A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 47 (1918/1919), no. 14127, May 3, 1918.
ET: My warm thanks for your most esteemed telegram. It warmed my heart that although I stayed away I was not forgotten after all. May a blessing from on high rest on your most weighty meeting. I do not need to say how I am with you until the end in my thoughts.

Mijn warmen dank voor uw ten zeerste gewaardeerd telegram. Het deed mij zoo goed aan het hart dat ik, al bleef ik weg, toch niet vergeten werd. Moge Hoogere zegen op uw zoo gewichtige vergadering rusten. Ik behoef wel niet te zeggen hoe ik, tot het einde toe, in mijn gedachten bij u ben. Kuyper.

Kuyper sent these words of thanks for a telegram he had received from the meeting of deputies (see 1918.04). In the telegram, the meeting expressed regret at the absence of its “gray leader,” thanked him for everything he had done for the honor of God’s name to benefit the nation, and wished him a speedy recovery.