A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De levensavond van Dr. A. Kuyper door H.S.S. en J.H. Kuyper.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1921, pp. 20, 28, 55–56, 72, 88.
Run: 5,000.
Published: January 1921.
Next printing, see: 1921.02.
ET: My dearest Anna, congratulations with my whole heart on this splendid jubilee year. Commit yourself again now to God’s sacred care. The end is drawing near for both of us. May it be a blessed reunion before long in our Father’s house above.

Kuyper’s eldest daughters printed three letters and two telegrams by their father in this book of impressions about Kuyper’s final years and his death. The first is a short letter (p. 20), dated February 3, 1917, and sent to his eldest sister Mrs. A.C.E. Mond-Kuyper (1834–1920), a widow since 1866 and director of the dormitory of the Vrije Universiteit from 1885–1905. Kuyper thanked her for a letter and gave her an update about his illness.

When Kuyper wanted to spend his 1917 summer vacation in a hotel near Lahmann’s sanatorium in Weisser Hirsch (Dresden), his daughters as well as the German ambassador urged him not to take the trip unaccompanied. Kuyper, however, insisted on traveling alone and after a voyage of three days, his anxious daughters received the following laconic telegram (p. 28): Ganz gesund angekommen ohne Schwester [Arrived in good health without nurses].

The next telegram (pp. 55–56) was intended for his eldest sister and was sent on December 15, 1919—her eighty-fifth birthday:

Mijn liefste Anna, van heeler harte met dit schitterend kroonjaar gelukgewenscht. Wees ook nu in Gods heilige hoede bevolen. Ons beider einde nadert. Zij het straks een zalig elkaar terugvinden in het Vaderhuis daarboven. Dr. Kuyper.

A letter (p. 72) then follows which Kuyper had written to his daughters in response to a telegram he had received from them. Kuyper lodged during his final vacation (July 10–September 2, 1920) with the Van Deth family (see 1894.10) in Velp. During his stay, a fire broke out in the cellar. Kuyper thanked his concerned daughters for their telegram and reported how he felt after the commotion.

Finally, the book prints Kuyper’s letter of resignation from the First Chamber of the States General (p. 86) and (facing p. 88) a facsimile of the accompanying statement of confirmation signed by Kuyper (see 1920.08).