A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Facsimile of the draft for the People’s Petition in Kuyper’s handwriting.—Poem.]
In: Schrift en Historie. Gedenkboek bij het vijftig-jarig bestaan der georganiseerde Antirevolutionaire Partij 1878–1928. In opdracht van de Dr. A. Kuyper-Stichting.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1928, facs. (8 pp.) inserted between pp. 64 and 65; p. 397.
Published: November 1928.
Fascimile, see also: 1928.06.
Poem, see: 1897.16.
Poem in cheap edition, see: 1929.05.

A facsimile in Kuyper’s handwriting, inserted between pages 64 and 65, of the People’s Petition of 1878 against Kappeyne’s elementary education bill (see 1878.04). The petition asked the king to prevent the bill from becoming law by refusing to sign it. In the poem on page 397, Kuyper gives expression to the ideals that motivated him and defined his struggle (see 1897.16).