A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Speech.—Poem.—Expression of thanks.]
In: Gedenkboek. Opgedragen door het feestcomité aan prof. dr. A. Kuyper, bij zijn vijf en twintigjarig jubileum als hoofdredacteur van “De Standaard.” 1872.–1 April.–1897.
Amsterdam, G.J.C. Herdes 1897, pp. 59–77, [286].
Published: October 1897.
First part of the speech, see also: 1978.04.
Translation of the poem, see: 1924.08 (German), 1927.09 (Hungarian), 1985.03, 1998.09 (partial), 2001.09, 2001.10, and 2022{.01} (English).
Binding: full leather; black; front cover with symbolical decorations in relieved surface; lettered in gold on the front cover; part of the bindings lettered in gold on the spine; blind tooled back cover; gilt edges; binder’s name F.L. v.d. Bom boekbinder Amsterdam in blind tooling on the back cover; all bindings have the same front cover but there are varieties in the layout of the spine and the back cover. Full cloth, identical to the leather-bound copies, but without gilt edges; “the sturdy binding has a monumental quality and reflects something of the powerful spirit of the man to whom this work is dedicated” (Gereformeerd Jongelingsblad, no. 7, November 12, 1897).
RKB 139.

A speech with an autobiographical slant delivered to 5,000 guests on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of De Standaard, celebrated on April 1, 1897 in the Paleis voor Volksvlijt in Amsterdam. In his speech Kuyper states, among other things, that “my Standaard has never been anything other than a steed that I rode in order to reach the final post of the trail more quickly—and the goal of my life lay in that final post.” He then declares that the goal of his life is “to make all my folk and fatherland blessed again by enticing them back to the only trustworthy path of life, which lies mapped out in the ordinances of God” (p. 67). By this he expresses his conviction that Scripture is not only a word for the soul; rather, the ordinances established by God in both the Bible and nature apply to all of human life (p. 72).

Finally, Kuyper gives poetic expression to the essence of his life’s goal in his own free rendering of the final couplet of Da Costa’s song, “Vrijheid” [Liberty]. (Cf. Da Costa’s kompleete dichtwerken, [Haarlem: A.C. Kruseman, 1863, vol. I, p. 369]. The original version of the couplet is included in 1891.05.) As was typical for Kuyper’s efforts, the poem was reprinted many times and was even set to music (by P. Anders, see app. 3.02). At the conclusion of the Gedenkboek [Memorial volume] there is a brief word of thanks (p. [286]), reprinted from De Standaard 26 (1897), no. 7694, April 5, 1897.

The speech was also reprinted in the Kuyper issue of De Standaard, no. 20101, October 29, 1937. The poem was likewise included in In Dr. Kuyper’s lijn (Amsterdam, 1932, p. 38), which collects the speeches and provides a report of the gala held to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of De Standaard in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

For Kuyper’s poems, see 1882.04.