A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


[Letter to the editor.—Poem.]
In: A Free Church, a Holy Nation. [By] John Bolt.
Grand Rapids, MI, William B. Eerdmans 2001, pp. 64–65, 328–329, 469–473, 483–484.
Letter to the editor, see: 1898.18.
Poem, see: 1897.16.
(ISBN: 0-8028-4254-2.)

In addition to the translated poem (printed twice, pp. 64–65 and 328–329, in English and in the original Dutch as well) and a letter to the editor of the Grand Rapids Democrat (pp. 483–484), A Free Church, a Holy Nation also includes a synopsis of the lecture Kuyper delivered in Grand Rapids on October 26, 1898 (see 1898.18), composed by a person who attended the lecture. At Kuyper’s request, this English-language synopsis (pp. 469–473) was originally printed in the Grand Rapids Herald.