A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Gedenkboek bij het vijftig-jarig bestaan van De Unie “Een School met den Bijbel.” In opdracht van het Bestuur der Unie samengesteld door J.C. Rullmann.
Kampen, Boekdrukkerij J.H. Kok 1928, pp. 26–30, 73–76, 129–133, 161 (facs.), 165–215, 231–233, 261, 264, 270–285, 357–387.
Published: December 1928.

A number of articles from De Standaard are reprinted in a memorial book that reviews the history of The Union: “A School with the Bible.” First (pp. 26–30), there are two articles occasioned by educational measures proposed by Kappeyne van de Coppello, taken from De Standaard, no. 831, December 11, 1874 and from no. 888, February 18, 1875 (see 1875.05, I–II). Next, the text of the People’s Petition (see 1878.04) is printed on pages 73–76, followed on pages 129–133 by an article about the consequences of the petition (reprinted from De Standaard 7 (1878), no. 1966, August 21, 1878).

Nine lead articles, two reports, and eighteen asterisms are then reprinted on pages 165–215 from De Standaard 7 (1878), no. 1976, September 2, 1878–no. 2055, December 3, 1878, as well as the text of the circular letter (with appendices) described in 1878.06. These articles are included because Kuyper gives an insider’s perspective on the history of the local committees behind the People’s Petition and of the establishment of The Union: “A School with the Bible” on January 23, 1879. On pages 231–233 the lead article he published after the establishment of The Union is reprinted from De Standaard 8 (1879), no. 2100, January 28, 1879.

On page 161 there is a facsimile reproduction of the text of a postcard in which Kuyper reports to R. Derksen (1839–1918) that he has been nominated (in 1879) at Kuyper’s suggestion to serve as secretary of The Union. The speech that Kuyper’s delivered on the occasion of Derksen’s twenty-fifth anniversary as secretary is printed on page 264. On pages 270–285 four lead articles and ten asterisms—in which Kuyper explains and provides information about preparations for the first Union Collection (see 1879.07), which was held during the week of August 17, 1879—have been reprinted from De Standaard 8 (1879), no. 2255, July 31, 1879–no. 2270, August 18, 1879. A final group of articles reprinted from De Standaard concern Kuyper’s objections to the Union Report of 1895. On pages 357–387 two lead articles and six follow-up stories from the series De principiële bezwaren tegen het Unie-rapport [The principled objections against the Union Report] have been reprinted from De Standaard 25 (1896), no. 7559, October 26, 1896–no. 7589, November 30, 1896.

The memorial book was published with a print run of 3,000 copies.