A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Van de voleinding. Met een inleidend woord van Dr. H.H. Kuyper. Vierde deel. 6e en 7e reeks.
Kampen, J.H. Kok 1931. 448 pp., 25cm.—unbd. ƒ5.50, bd. ƒ6.75.
Run: 4,000.
Published: March 1931.
Vol. 1–3, see: 1929.06; 1929.11; 1930.01.
Title edition, see: 1935.01.
Translation (English) of the 6th series, see: 1938.03; 1939.04; 1940.06.
Translation (of the 7th series), see: 1935.04.
Binding, see: 1929.06.
RKB 222.
ET: About the consummation. With introductory remarks by Dr. H.H. Kuyper. Volume four. 6th and 7th series.

This final volume begins with a treatment of the consummation of the ages in light of Jesus’ pronouncements and eschatological speeches. The series reprinted here as the sixth series was originally published in twelve articles as the seventh series (see 1929.11) in De Heraut, no. 2047, April 15, 1917–no. 2059, July 8, 1917. The editor (see 1929.06) reduced the original series from twelve articles to seven chapters. The work concludes with an exposition of the eschatological themes found in the book of Revelation. This final section, reprinted here as the seventh series, had originally been published as the eighth series in De Heraut, no. 2070, September 23, 1917–no. 2134, December 15, 1918. The editor reduced the original fifty-one articles to forty-two chapters. (In this series Kuyper also wrote an article about symbolism and mystical numbers, included here as chapter 3.) The fitting symbolism of the number eight (the original number of series) was lost due to the need to shorten the volume.

A subject index, an index of biblical citations, and an index of personal names was added at the end of the four volumes. The indices were composed by C. Veenhof (1902–1983), who began studying theology in 1926 at the Theologische Hogeschool at Kampen and who then served as a professor from 1946–1968 at the second theological school that had since been established in Kampen.

In De Heraut, no. 2137, January 5, 1919, Kuyper started the series Van de Kerk [About the church], which he did not complete.