A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Het verzekeringswezen. LXXV. LXXVIII.
In: Verzekeringsnummer van De Standaard 59 (1930/1931), [no. 18026], January 22, 1931 and [no. 18050], February 19, 1931.
Two chapters taken from: 1903.13.
Cf.: SA.03.
(RKB 161.)
ET: The insurance business.

Four “insurance issues” were published intermittently during the fifty-ninth year of De Standaard. These issues appeared under the customary masthead but were not numbered, receiving only the date of the issue with which they were simultaneously published. The second part of chapter 78 of De gemeene gratie was reprinted in the third “insurance issue” (dated January 22, 1931) and chapter 75 of that work was reprinted in the fourth issue. Both chapters were republished under a new title, Gemoedsbezwaren tegen verzekering [Conscientious objections to insurance].

The chapters previously appeared as installments from an article series in De Heraut no. 1106, March 5, 1899 (article 76 = chapter 75) and in no. 1109, March 26, 1899 (article 79 = chapter 78).