A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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[Three fragments.]
In: Letterkundige fragmenten (1600–1938) ter bestudering en verklaring in de hoogste klassen van Gymnasia en Hogere Burgerscholen. Door Dr. Ph.A. Lansberg en M.Th. uit den Bogaard.
Zwolle, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink 1939, pp. 69–76.
Readers, see: 1907.23.

The compilers of the reader Letterkundige fragmenten chose three items to illustrate Kuyper’s thought and action. Item 49 (pp. 69–71) titled “Three Features of the Calvinist Character” is adapted from pages 22–27 of 1888.11. The next item (pp. 72–74) reproduces a selection from Kuyper’s apology against the principles of social democracy, delivered in the Second Chamber on December 4, 1903 (see 1903.14 and 1909.29, pp. 552–554). Finally, a portion from a speech delivered in the Second Chamber on February 25, 1904 (see 1904.06 and 1910.15, pp. 36–38) is reproduced under the title “The Foundations of Academic Education.”

The compilers also took texts from P.A. Diepenhorst’s Dr A. Kuyper (see 1931.05) and from N. Japikse’s Staatkundige geschiedenis van Nederland van 1887–1917 (see 1918.18).