A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Historisch document. Referaat van wijlen Professor Dr. A. Kuyper over Zending. Uitgesproken op het Zendingscongres te Amsterdam, op 28, 29 en 30 Januari 1890. Volgens besluit der Voorlopige Synode van Nederd. Gereformeerde Kerken, in 1889 te Utrecht gehouden. Met een voorwoord van Professor Dr. J.H. Bavinck, Hoogleeraar in de Zending. Hierbij zijn gevoegd de besluiten van de Synode te Middelburg in 1896 gehouden, alwaar op voorstel van Dr. A. Kuyper werd besloten de Zending van de plaatselijke Kerk te doen uitgaan.
Utrecht, J. Bootsma 1940, pp. 1–20, 24cm.—ƒ0.70.
Published: January 1940.
New edition of: 1890.05.
ET: Historical document. Lecture by the late Professor Dr. A. Kuyper about mission. Delivered at the Missions Congress in Amsterdam on January 28, 29, and 30, 1890. Held according to the resolution of the Provisional Synod of the Dutch Reformed Churches in Utrecht in 1889. With a foreword by Professor Dr. J.H. Bavinck, professor of mission. Adjoined are the resolutions of the synod held in 1896 in Middelburg, where it was resolved, on a motion by Dr. A. Kuyper, that mission should be carried out by the local church.

The fiftieth anniversary of Kuyper’s lecture on missions from 1890—in actuality twenty-seven theses with an abbreviated rendition of the commentaries—prompted this reissue (pp. 1–20). In his foreword J.H. Bavinck (1895–1964) asserts that foundations of lasting significance were put in place by this address. Bavinck also states (pp. 21–38) that the text of 1896.14 shows that Kuyper’s thinking about missions had grown, ripened, and in certain respects changed since 1871.14.