A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


De drie formulieren van eenigheid gelijk die voor de Gereformeerde Kerken dezer landen zijn vastgesteld op de Nationale Synode van Dordrecht. Uitgegeven voor kerkelijk gebruik door Dr. A. Kuyper. Met het “Kort Begrip” als aanhangsel.
Zeven-en-dertigste druk.
Kampen, J.H. Kok [1945]. 160 pp., 16cm.—ƒ0.60.
Run: 3,500.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, September 1, 1897.
On the title page of the first part of the print run: … gelijk die voor de Gereformeerde Kerken ….
On the title page of the other part: … gelijk die door de Gereformeerde Kerken ….
5th edition of: 1883.02.
Previous printing, see: 1932.11.
Next printing, see: 1946.02.
Binding, see: 1883.09.
ET, see: 1897.19 and 1946.02.

A new and enlarged typeface was used for this reset edition. In the second part of the print run, the disrepancy between the front cover and the title page (door/voor), which had appeared in printings and editions since 1897.19, was corrected. The copies that still retain this discrepancy are marked “K 1560”—a registration number given by the German occupiers, who assigned numbers to all approved publications—because the first part of the print run (2,000 copies) was published in Kampen while the Germans still occupied the northern part of the Netherlands. Whereas previous versions had marked printings with increments of vijfduizend [five thousand], from this edition forward the word druk [printing] was used on the title page and front cover. The print runs of previous editions had often numbered either more or less than exactly 5,000 copies.