A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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A Obra do Espírito Santo.
Sao Paulo, Editora Cultura Crista, 2011, [1–5], 6–655 pp., ill. (title page), 23cm.
Run: 3.000.
Subtitle: O Espírito Santo em ação na igreja e no indivíduo.
Translation (Portuguese) of: 1900.19.
Translated by: Neuza Batista da Silva.
Preface, dated: Amsterdam, April 21, 1899.
Explanatory notes to the American edition by the translator (Rev. Henry De Vries), dated:
Peekskill, New York, January 27, 1900.
Introductory note by B.B. Warfield dated: Princeton Theological Seminary, April 23, 1900.
Binding: paperback.
ISBN: 978-85-7622-323-8.
ET: The work of the Holy Spirit.

The ‘Explanatory notes to the American edition’ are followed by the concise, chronoligically ordered list of approximately one hundred of Kuyper’s writings (see 1900.19) with additional Portuguese translations of the titles (pp. 23–28). Since 1995.01, the list, which was never updated, was dropped in the English editions.