A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Officieele bescheiden uit het archief van den Kerkeraad der Nederduitsche Hervormde Gemeente te Amsterdam. I, 2. De kwestie der “aanneming tot lidmaat” en II. De kwestie “inzake de godsdienstonderwijzeres C. Mouris.”
[Amsterdam, H. de Hoogh & Co. 1872] (Amsterdam, Nederlandsche Stoomdrukkerij), 8 pp., 31cm.—ƒ0,05.
Published: October 1872.
I, [1], see: 1872.06.
(RKB III p. 470, no. 7).
ET: Official documents from the archives of the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Congregation in Amsterdam. I, 2. The question of “the acceptance to membership” and II. The question “regarding the instructor of religion C. Mouris.”

Proceedings supplementing 1872.06 together with proceedings relating to a matter concerning an instructor of religion, Mrs. C. Mouris, who opposed regulations enacted by the Board of Oversight for Religious Instruction on January 4, 1871. These regulations stipulated that the biblical narratives must be related just as they appear in the Old and New Testaments and that teachers may not present materials that conflict with the Holy Scripture. Mouris did not receive the annual extension of her contract in January 1872. Internally divided over this affair, the Consistory of Amsterdam appealed to the higher church authorities.

This publication and 1872.06 both relate to 1872.07.