A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Officieele bescheiden uit het archief van den Kerkeraad der Nederduitsche Hervormde Gemeente te Amsterdam. I, [1]. De kwestie “der aanneming tot lidmaat.” (Op last van den Bijzonderen Kerkeraad uitgegeven).
Amsterdam, H. de Hoogh & Co. [1872]. 15 pp., 31cm.—ƒ0.06.
Published: September 1872.
Preface dated: 10 Augustus 1872. (Signed by the editors A. Kuyper and N.M. Feringa.)
Cover title.
I, 2 and II, see: 1872.10.
(RKB III, p. 470, no. 7.)
ET: Official documents from the archives of the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Congregation in Amsterdam. I, [1]. The question of “the acceptance to membership.” (Published at the request of the Special Consistory.)

These official proceedings of the Special Consistory of Amsterdam and of the higher church administration have to do with the decision of the Special Consistory on November 23, 1871 to uphold the confession of the church. The majority of the consistory believed that one of its responsibilities was guarding against doctrinal deviation on the part of those wishing to be admitted to congregational membership by confirmation (cf. 1886.01). The Special Consistory had resolved to print all the items that had been exchanged with church officials in reference to the question and to send these documents without charge to enfranchised members of the congregation. This publication and 1872.10 both relate to 1872.07.

The publication was originally included in Rullmann’s bibliography as no. 44 (see De Reformatie 2 [1921/1922], no. 48, September 1, 1922), but it was omitted from 1923.07.