A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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(Uit het Woord. Stichtelijke bijbelstudiën. Derde bundel [part 2].)
Amsterdam, J.H. Kruyt [1878] (Wageningsche Boek- en Muziekdrukkerij). 182 pp., 21cm.—Price for subscription to the entire series ƒ2.90.
Run: 750.
Published: October 1878.
2nd part of: 1879.01.
1st part, see: 1876.01.
Vol. 1–3, see: 1875.10; 1875.11; 1879.01.
Cheap edition, see: 1898.02.
Translation (partial; English), see: 1998.03.
ET: Perfectionism.

The second part of the third volume of biblical-theological studies described in 1876.01 and 1879.01. Remarkably, this second part (which was published more than two years after the first) did not appear in the announcements of 1874 and 1875 for the third volume. The plan had been to publish five series of articles from the Zondagsblad van De Standaard of 1874 and 1875. However, the second part is actually a reprint of a series from De Heraut of 1878. This represented the first major series of biblical-theological studies in De Heraut and the first major series that Kuyper wrote after fully recovering from his nervous exhaustion (see 1877.03). This eighteen-part series deals with the question of perfectionism. See 1879.01 for the provenance of the eighteen articles reprinted here.

The intended reprinting of a series of articles about the mystical body of the Lord (see Zondagsblad van De Standaard 4 (1875), no. 65, June 27, 1875ff.) did not come to fruition. The third and fourth parts (Natuurlijke Godskennis and Maranatha) were published in December 1878.