A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Agendum voor het Synodaal Convent der ontkomene Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, door den Kerkeraad van Voorthuizen naar Rotterdam sâamgeroepen tegen 28 Juni 1887.
[S.l., s.n., 1887.] 8 pp., 34cm.
Printed: June 1887.
Dated: Amsterdam and Rotterdam, June 21, 1887.
Printed but not published.
See also: 1887.25; 1887.32.
ET: Agenda for the Synodical Convention of the freed Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, called to Rotterdam on June 28, 1887 by the Consistory of Voorthuizen.

Agenda for the Synodical Convention of June 28 to July 1, 1887 (cf. 1887.32). The Church of Amsterdam had decided during the Reformed Church Congress in January 1887 (see 1887.01) to hold this convention and the Church of Rotterdam agreed to act as host. Delegates were called to Rotterdam to consult about the formation of a provisional church association and to explore potential practical forms of collaboration. Delegates from seventy-one churches and thirty classes attended the convention.

The agenda, which addressed questions and concerns that had been submitted by interested parties across the nation, was drawn up by a commission composed of delegates from the Amsterdam Church, including Kuyper (who served as chairman of the commission) and F.L. Rutgers, and from the Rotterdam Church, including the Rev. F. Lion Cachet (1835–1899) and Rev. W. Geesink (1854–1929). The agenda numbered 50 items, however number 42 was unintentionally used twice. The corrected agenda provided with the delegates (see 1887.25) counted 51 items. On the authorship, see 1887.32.

After dealing with the constitution of the meeting (part I), the articles in the agenda are treated under nine themes (parts II–X). The agenda mistakenly printed the article following article IV and the article following article VI under the same number as the preceding article. The numbering is printed correctly in 1887.25. The nine themes are as follows:

  • II. Concerning the ordering of church relations
  • III. Concerning churches that have not yet broken or have only partially broken ties with the synod
  • IV. Concerning relations to believers who have previously thrown off the yoke of synodical hierarchy and have since formed independent associations
  • IV. Concerning relations to Reformed churches beyond our borders, particularly those with Dutch backgrounds
  • V. Concerning the establishment of Reformed churches among the heathen and the mission to the Jews
  • VI. Concerning the ministry of Word and sacraments
  • VI. Concerning the ministry of charity and instruction of school children
  • VII. Concerning external affairs [finances]
  • VIII. Concerning relations to the churches or parts of the churches that remain under the hierarchy