A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Voetius’ catechisatie over den Heidelbergschen Catechismus. Naar Poudroyen’s editie van 1662 op nieuw uitgegeven, bij ons publiek ingeleid, en met enkele aanteekeningen voorzien door Dr. A. Kuyper.
Rotterdam, Gebroeders Huge 1891. 80 pp., facs., ill., 17cm.—ƒ0.35.
Run: 1,000.
Published: July 1891.
Double title page.
Introduction dated: June 13, 1891.
See also: 1940.03 (pp. 6–15).
1st installment.
Complete edition, see: 1892.06.
RKB 122.
ET: Voetius’ catechesis of the Heidelberg Catechism. Newly published according to Poudroyen’s edition of 1662, introduced for contemporary readers and provided with a few annotations by Dr. A. Kuyper.

The first installment of the republication of the catechesis of Gisbertus Voetius (1589–1676) as recorded and published by the Rev. Cornelius van Poudroyen (†1662). In his introduction (pp. [5]–22), Kuyper discusses the significance of Voetius, upon whose work Poudroyen based his edition, and also gives several tips for the proper use of the catechesis. He also emphatically seeks to counteract the negative image that many people have formed in reference to this book.

Kuyper had a twofold goal in mind when publishing this edition: to chase away the fog obscuring the confessions in numerous Reformed circles and to advance basic knowledge of the faith. He hoped that the church would again stand as a pillar and bulwark of the truth.

A facsimile of the title page of the 1662 edition is included after the introduction. The inclusion of the title page makes it clear that Kuyper gave (again, see 1890.11) a different title to this new edition. On the back side of the facsimile, two of Voetius’ brief ‘notices to the reader’ are printed, belonging to the first (1659) and the fourth (1662) edition, respectively. In his remarks about the fourth edition, Voetius requests that any future reprints follow this edition. The fourth edition was printed by the Dordrecht printer, Jacob Braat, on behalf of Abraham Andriessz, book dealer at Dordrecht (1662: [16], 800, [7] pp.).

According to the publisher’s announcement, the complete work would be published in sixteen installments and a new installment would be published every week.