A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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De drie formulieren van eenigheid, gelijk die voor de Gereformeerde Kerken dezer landen zijn vastgesteld in haar laatstgehouden Nationale Synode. Uitgegeven voor kerkelijk gebruik door Dr. A. Kuyper.
Achtste vijfduizend.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser 1892. X, 132, [2] pp., 16cm.—ƒ0.40.
Run: 5,000.
Published: March 1892.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, December 10, 1884.
Preface to the 8th edition dated: Amsterdam, 23 January, 1892.
On the cover: De drie formulieren van eenigheid voor kerkelijk gebruik uitgegeven door Dr. A. Kuyper. Benevens het Kort Begrip der Christelijke religie, uitgegeven door de predikanten C.A. Renier en B. van Schelven.
7th printing of: 1883.09.
1st edition, see: 1883.02.
Previous printing, see: 1890.02.
Next printing, see: 1894.08.
Binding, see: 1883.09.
ET, see: 1887.26.

In the new preface Kuyper lets it be known that, counting all the various printings, 40,000 copies of this book have already been distributed. As one benefit of this large-scale distribution he cites the fact that use of the Heidelberg Catechism itself is displacing use of catechetical workbooks. He also notes that Christian households can now more easily afford the Belgic Confession and the Five Articles against the Remonstrants. He recommends that families renew the practice of reading from the confessions on Sundays. Against the catechetical workbooks put together by individual pastors, he contends that such booklets undermine the students’ sense of the church, amplify pastors’ idiosyncrasies, and are far poorer than the Heidelberg Catechism in their phrasing and formulation. He also cites Voetius’ remarks about the problems afflicting such workbooks (cf. 1892.06).

First printing with continuous pagination.