A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Voor een distel een mirt. Geestelijke overdenkingen bij den heiligen Doop, het doen van belijdenis en het toegaan tot het heilig Avondmaal.
Amsterdam, J.A. Wormser [1896] (Amsterdam, P. Groenendijk). VIII, 168 pp., 20cm.—unbd. ƒ0.60, bd. ƒ0.90, subscription to the 1st series of cheap editions ƒ5.25 (unbd.).
Published: April 1896.
Preface dated: Amsterdam, October 1, 1891.
Binding edition of: 1894.03.
1st edition, see: 1891.16.
Next printing, see: 1896.21.
1st series of cheap editions, see also: 1896.12; 1896.15; 1896.19.
2nd series of cheap editions, see: 1897.22; 1898.02; 1898.05.
Binding: full cloth; lettered in gold on front cover and spine; cartouche on the frontcover. Wormser published the cheap editions of Kuyper’s devotional works in a uniform format and in various colours (series in brown, red or blue cloth).
ET, see: 1891.16.

The first volume in the first series of popular editions of Kuyper’s devotional works in new typesetting and solid matter. The volumes were also made available for individual purchase. When the final volume of the series was published (in December 1896), the price for the whole series was ƒ5.60 (unbound) and ƒ7.30 (bound).

The announcements for a cheap-edition series of collections of Kuyper’s devotional work appeared in De Standaard, no. 7342, February 12, 1896 and in De Heraut, no. 947, February 16, 1896. The following titles were supposed to begin being published in installments in popular editions: Honig uit den rotssteen, Deel I [Honey from the rock, volume I]; Uit het Woord, Serie I, Deel I en II [From the Word, series I, volumes I and II]; and Voor een distel een mirt [For a brier a myrtle]. These sets were advertised as “the first series of popular editions of Dr. A. Kuyper’s works.” Some time later, the advertisements stated that Voor een distel een mirt was going to be the first of these four volumes published. An advertisement in April 1896 announced that Voor een distel een mirt had been published. It is suspected that this printing advertised as “published” in April 1896 was actually a binding edition of the remainder of the print run (10,000) of 1894.03.