A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

You can buy a printed edition of this book on the site of the publisher.


Calvinism. Six Stone-lectures.
Amsterdam/Pretoria, Höveker & Wormser Ltd.; Edinburg, T. & T. Clark; London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd.; New York-Chicago-Toronto, Fleming H. Revell Company [1899] (’s Gravenhage, Zuid-Holl. Boek- en Handelsdrukkerij). [6], 275 pp., 22cm.—bd. ƒ2.50.
Published: June 1899.
Trade edition of: 1898.15.
Title editions, see: 1899.38; 1913.16.
Dutch edition, see: 1899.25.
Binding: full cloth; blue combined with claret colored cloth; lettered in gold on front cover and spine; at the bottom of the spine: Amsterdam 1899. A number of copies are bound in the binding of 1899.38. Unbound: imprint of J.H. Kok, Kampen, on the front cover [s.a].
The remainders of Höveker & Wormser were acquired by J.H. Kok, Kampen.
RKB 148.

Trade edition of 1898.15 with a revised text once again. The alterations, omissions, and additions immediately come to light in the renaming of the first lecture and then again on the first page. In a note B.B. Warfield (cf. 1898.15) comments with regret that “the text was much altered by Dr. Kuyper himself with a view of bettering the English, but with the effect of waning it sadly.” This revision intended to address more than linguistic matters: besides the editorial alterations and deletions, eighteen footnotes were added.

The Dutch-Anglo-American alliance of publishers who published these six lectures on Calvinism were able to provide for the simultaneous release and sale of the book in the Netherlands, South Africa, England, Scotland, and the United States. For the significance and content of the lectures, see 1898.15.

Kuyper had asked Scribner’s to publish an American edition of the lectures, but according to a letter dated October 17, 1898 (KA 318) Scribner’s was unsure about the sales and wanted to postpone its decision until it received the sales results of 1898.12. After an English edition was published, Scribner’s declared itself prepared to purchase a supply for America. The publishers agreed upon the solution of Revell publishing an English edition (but see 1899.38) that Scribner’s would then purchase on consignment and distribute in the United States (letter dated December 9, 1898; KA 318, 46).

The lectures on Calvinism have since been published in ten different languages: English (1899.19), Dutch (1899.25), German (1904.25), Hungarian (1914.20), Japanese (1932.14), Korean (1971.01), Russian (2002.03), Portuguese (2002.05), Chinese (2006.05), Spanish (2010.06).