A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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A Kálvinizmus Lényege. Irta Dr Kuyper Ábrahám. Forditották Csürös József, váralmási Ref. Lelkész, Czeglédi Sándor, nagysallói Ref. Lelkész, Theol. M. Tanár. A forditást átnézte és bevezetéssel ellátta Sebestyén Jenö, Budapesti Ref. Vallástanár, Theol. M. Tanár.
(A Kálvin-szövetség kiadványai. XIV.)
Kókai Lajos könyvkereskedö bizománya.
Nagybánya, Nánásy Istvan Könyvnyomdája, 1914. XI, 266, [2] pp., 1 portr., 21cm.—unbd. 3.50 K.
Introduction by the editor Sebestyén Jenö, dated: Budapest, March 25, 1914.
Cover title.
Translation (Hungarian) of: 1899.25.
Translated by: Rev. J. Csürös and Rev. S. Czeglédi.
2nd edition, see: 1922.15.
Next translation, see: 2001.04.
ET: The essence of Calvinism.

The Hungarian Reformed pastors J. Csürös and S. Czeglédi translated the Stone Lectures of 1898 under the title A Kálvinizmus Lényege. The translation was published as volume 14 of the series Editions of the Calvin League. The copies were warehoused by the bookdealer Lajos Kókai. Sebestyén Jenö wrote a brief sketch of Kuyper’s life and work (pp. [I]–XI). This sketch (dated Budapest, March 25, 1914) also includes an abbreviated list of Kuyper’s most important publications.

The translation was corrected by J. Sebestyén (1884–1950), who was a professor of dogmatics at the Theological Academy in Budapest and a dedicated disseminator of Neo-Calvinism in Hungary. Sebestyén received an honorary doctorate in theology from the Vrije Universiteit in 1930, during the celebration of the university’s fiftieth anniversary.