A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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A Kálvinizmus Lényege. Irta Dr. Kuyper Ábrahám, Hollandia egykori miniszterelnöke. Forditották Csürös József, váralmási ref. lelkész, Czeglédi Sándor, györi ref. esperes-lelkész. A forditást átnézte, bevezetéssel és jegyzetekkel ellátta Dr. Sebestyén Jenö, budapesti ref. theologiai tanár. A szerzó arczképével és Kuyper Henriette elöszavával.
(Holland-Magyar Kálvinista Könyvtar. I.)
Második Kiadás.
Budapest, Bethlen Gábor Irodalmi és Nyomdai Részv.-Társ. 1922. XV, 245, [2] pp., 1 portr., 22cm.—240 Korona.
Published: January 1922.
Preface (by Henriette S.S. Kuyper) dated: Budapest, October 1921.
Translation (Hungarian) of: 1899.25.
Translated by: Rev. J. Csürös and Rev. S. Czeglédi.
2nd edition of: 1914.20.
Next translation (Hungarian), see: 2001.02.
ET, see: 1914.20.

After the preface by Kuyper’s eldest daughter, H.S.S. Kuyper, there follows a brief sketch of Kuyper’s life and work by Jenö Sebestyén (pp. [VII]–XV). The sketch, dated Budapest, November 6, 1921, also includes an abbreviated and updated list of Kuyper’s most important publications. Sebestyén also added 178 explanatory notes to this edition (pp. [229]–245). This second edition was printed as the first volume in the series Holland-Magyar Kálvinista Könyvtar [Holland-Hungarian Calvinist Library]. For the fourth volume of this series, see 1923.10. The series was started with funds raised through a collection that Prof. J. Sebestyén (see 1914.20) took during a lecture tour he held in a number of Reformed Churches in the Netherlands in January and February of 1921.