A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Woorden van Troost I–XVI, XXXIX.
In: Woorden van Troost. Bijeengezocht door J.H. Kuyper.
’s Gravenhage, J. Bootsma [1909].
Published: December 1909.
Paper binding incorporating the complete collection (I–L) of devotions and poems.
ET: Words of comfort.

A series of devotions reprinted from 1893.08 (I–XVI) and from De Heraut, no. 1456, November 26, 1905 (XXXIX). J.H. Kuyper edited this series of (nearly always) four-page leaflets containing devotions and poems (1–2 pp.) by various authors, meant to serve as a source of comfort to the sick. She also printed a few devotions and several poems composed by her eldest sister, H.S.S. Kuyper, and reprinted fifteen devotions from her own translation of Sterrelicht (Amsterdam, [1908]) by G. Steinberger (1865–1904).

Every leaflet has as the drop title Woorden van Troost. Bijeengezocht door J.H. Kuyper. The bottom of the back page bears the imprint Boek- en Kunstdrukkerij: J. Bootsma, te ’s Gravenhage. Copies were available at a sliding scale of ƒ1.- per 100 copies, ƒ2.- per 250 copies, ƒ3.- per 500 copies, and ƒ6.- per 1000 copies. A set (I–L) was available in paper binding.

J.H. Kuyper was a nurse active both nationally and internationally. In 1912/1913, she traveled to Constantinople with a Dutch ambulance team and worked with a similar team in Hungary during the First World War. She was also the co-author of De levensavond van Dr. A. Kuyper (see 1921.01).