A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: De Standaard 41 (1913), no. 12589, April 25, 1913.
ET: His Excellency Minister Heemskerk, The Hague. The Anti-Revolutionary Party, convened at the Meeting of Deputies in Utrecht, offers you, and with you the entire cabinet, its gratitude for opening the discussion of the constitutional review, which promises to become the fulfillment of its greatest wish, and wishes for you that you be granted the opportunity to sign the law, which shall turn what is currently only a bill into a constitutional regulation.

Zijne Excellentie Minister Heemskerk, Den Haag. De Anti-revol. partij, te Utrecht in Deputaten-vergadering samengekomen, biedt u, en met u geheel het Kabinet, haar dank voor wat in de aan de orde gestelde Grondwetsrevisie de vervulling belooft van een harer vurigste wenschen, en bidt u toe, dat het u gegeven worde, straks uw contraseign onder de wet te mogen plaatsen, die wat nu nog slechts voorstel is, zal omzetten in grondwettig voorschrift. Kuyper.

A telegram sent to the prime minister on behalf of the eighteenth meeting of deputies, which met in Utrecht on April 24, 1913 (see 1913.07). For the constitutional review in question, see 1912.09 and 1913.02.

For the numbering of this volume of De Standaard, see 1911.07.