A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Twaalftal leerredenen. (Eerste en tweede zestal.) [Part 1.]
Tweede druk.
Amsterdam, B.H. Blankenberg Jr. [1879]. 46 pp., 20cm.—Price for each part ƒ0.30.
Published: September 1879.
1st part of a new edition.
Previous edition, see: 1871.13.
Complete edition, see: 1880.01.
ET: A dozen sermons. (First and second half-dozen.) [Part 1.]

The first and second part appeared in September 1879. After the third was published in October 1879, the first half of the collection was completed. This first half was actually the third edition of 1869.01. Subsequently the second half appeared in two parts as the second edition of 1870.31.

The collection was likely already printed in December but publication was probably delayed due to a problem with the author (see 1880.01).