A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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In: Het Calvinisme van Kuyper en Bavinck. Teksten bijeengezocht en ingeleid door dr. M.E. Brinkman en dr. C. van der Kooi. (Sleutelteksten in godsdienst en theologie. Deel 22.)
Zoetermeer, Meinema 1997, pp. 24–106.
(ISBN: 90-211-6122-2.)

The first part of the reader The Calvinism of Kuyper and Bavinck is devoted to Kuyper. The selection of texts encompasses five aspects of his work, each of which is prefaced by a short introduction. The first section treats his devotional Bible studies (pp. 25–35). The third chapter from part 3 of 1884.09 and the first devotion from 1908.21 (see also 1940.03, pp. 316–320) are reprinted in their entirety. The next section deals with science (pp. 37–60) and includes section 13 from 1909.18. In the third section, “A Theology of Culture” (pp. 62–78), chapter 1 from 1921.05 and chapter 2 from 1922.02 are reproduced. In the fourth section, “Church and State” (pp. 79–94), chapters 34 and 40 from 1922.04 are reprinted. Finally, the material in the last section, “The Social Question” (pp. 96–106), is derived from 1891.14.