A revised and updated version of
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 by Tjitze Kuipers (2011)

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Kerkelijke goederen, I–II.
In: De Heraut 21 (1870), no. 36, September 9, 1870.
Dated: September 8, 1870.
De Heraut, see: 1869.16.
(RKB 26.)
ET: Church property, I–II.

I. “De nieuwe stemming” [The new mood]. This item concerns the defeat of the General Supervisory Board (cf. 1869.02) and the growing influence of the movement for the free management of church properties.

II. “Ds. Bolleman van der Veen ten derden male” [For the third time, Rev. Bolleman van der Veen]. (Cf. 1869.20 and 1870.27.) This item concerns the Open Brief aan den heer A. Kuyper, Theol. Doct. en Predikant te Utrecht van B. Bolleman van der Veen (Leeuwarden, 1870). Kuyper uses this open letter to point out again the significance of the argument over the congregational right to autonomy.

The editor in chief of De Heraut, C. Schwartz (see 1869.16), died two weeks prior to the publication of these two items, which for a long time were to be the final contributions to De Heraut that Kuyper signed and dated. Kuyper was appointed editor ad interim and his articles in De Heraut (with the exception of 1871.06) will accordingly no longer be separately listed in this bibliography.