A new digital bibliography of Herman Bavinck: In English

1. "Recent Dogmatic Thought in the Netherlands." Translated by Geerhardus Vos. The Presbyterian and Reformed Review 3 (1892): 209–28. [106]

← "Theologische richtingen in Nederland." Tijdschrift voor Gereformeerde Theologie 1 (1894): 161–88. [125]

2. "The Influence of the Protestant Reformation on the Moral and Religious Condition of Communities and Nations." In Proceedings of the Fifth General Council, Toronto 1892, 48–55. London: Publication Committee of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1892. [107]

3. "The Future of Calvinism." Translated by Geerhardus Vos. The Presbyterian and Reformed Review 5 (1894): 1–24. [124]

→ "De toekomst van het Calvinisme." Translated by J. Keizer. De Grondwet (10 en 17 april, 8 en 15 mei 1894). [846]

→ "Het calvinisme in Nederland en zijne toekomst." Tijdschrift voor Gereformeerde Theologie 3 (1896): 129–63. [132]

4. "Creation or Development." Translated by J. H. de Vries. The Methodist Review 83 (1901): 849–74. [301]

Schepping of ontwikkeling. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1901. (Lezing, gehouden te Arnhem, Zutphen, Amsterdam en Haarlem, 1901) [338]

5. The Sacrifice of Praise: Meditations before and after Receiving Access to the Table of the Lord. Translated by John Dolfin. Englewood, NJ: John V. Bogert, 1908. [469]

De offerande des lofs: overdenkingen vóór en na de toelating tot het heilige avondmaal. 's Gravenhage: Fred. H. Verschoor, 1901. [302]

6. "Calvin and Common Grace." In E. Doumergue, A. Lang, H. Bavinck and B. B. Warfield, Calvin and the Reformation. Four studies, 99–130. New York: Revell , 1909. [472]

→ "Calvin and Common Grace." In 칼빈의 종교개혁사상 / Calvin and the Reformation. 서울 [Seoul]: 기독교문서선교회 [Kidokkyo Munsŏ Sŏnʼgyohoe], 1986. [728]

7. "Calvin and Common Grace." Translated by Geerhardus Vos. The Princeton Theological Review 7 (1909): 437–65. [473]

→ "Calvin and Common Grace." In 칼빈의 종교개혁사상 / Calvin and the Reformation. 서울 [Seoul]: 기독교문서선교회 [Kidokkyo Munsŏ Sŏnʼgyohoe], 1986. [728]

→ "칼뱅과 일반은총." Translated by 박하림 [Harim Park]. In 헤르만 바빙크의 일반은총 [Herman Bavinck’s Common Grace], 76–123. 군포 [Gunpo]: 다함 [Daham], 2021. [896]

8. The Philosophy of Revelation: The Stone Lectures for 1908-1909, Princeton Theological Seminary. New York: Longmans Green, 1909. (10 lezingen, waarvan alleen de 7 eerste in Princeton werden gehouden) [484]

Wijsbegeerte der openbaring: Stone-lezingen voor het jaar 1908, gehouden te Princeton N.J.. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1908. (bevat ook andere Amerikaanse lezingen) [471]

启示的哲学 [Qǐshì de zhéxué]. Translated by Zhao Gang. 四川人民出版社 [Sìchuān rénmín chūbǎn shè], 2014. [811]

A Filosofia da Revelação. Translated by Fabrício Tavares de Moraes. Brasília, DF: Editora Monergismo, 2016. [888]

9. "The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands." The Princeton Theological Review 8 (1910): 433–60. [488]

10. "Christological Movements in the Nineteenth Century." Translated by B. B. Warfield. Bibliotheca Sacra 68 (1911): 381–404. (translated from: Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, 2nd ed., vol 3 (1910): 273–291) [493]

11. "The Virgin Birth of Our Lord." Bible Magazine 1:1 (January 1913): 50–61. [524]

12. "Death: Theological View." In International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol. 2, 811–13. Chicago: Howard-Severance Company, 1915. [546]

13. "Fall." In International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia. Vol. 2, 1092–94. Chicago: Howard-Severance Company, 1915. [547]

14. Mental, Religious and Social Forces in the Netherlands. The Hague: Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, 1915. (A General View of the Netherlands, XVII) [552]

15. "Christ and Christianity." Translated by A. A. Pfanstiehl. Biblical Review 1 (1916): 214–36. (Not exact translation) [557]

Het Christendom. Baarn: Hollandia, 1912. (Groote godsdiensten, Serie II, No. 7) [509]

16. The Sacrifice of Praise: Meditations before and after Receiving Access to the Table of the Lord. 2nd ed. Translated by John Dolfin. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1922. [652]

De offerande des lofs: overdenkingen vóór en na de toelating tot het heilige avondmaal. 's Gravenhage: Fred. H. Verschoor, 1901. [302]

17. "The Place of the Bible in the Christian School." Christian School Magazine (January 1930): 780–81. [673]

18. The Doctrine of God. Translated by William Hendriksen. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1951. [687]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 2. 2e druk. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1908. (revised) [466]

개혁주의 신론. Translated by Sŭng-gu Yi. 서울 [Seoul]: 기독교문서선교회 [Kidokkyo Munsŏ Sŏnʼgyohoe], 1998. [752]

19. The Philosophy of Revelation: The Stone Lectures for 1908-1909, Princeton Theological Seminary. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1953. [688]

Wijsbegeerte der openbaring: Stone-lezingen voor het jaar 1908, gehouden te Princeton N.J.. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1908. (bevat ook andere Amerikaanse lezingen) [471]

20. "Death: Theological View." In International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, rev. ed. [690]

21. "Fall." In International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, rev. ed. [691]

22. Our Reasonable Faith. Translated by Henry Zylstra. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1956. [696]

Magnalia Dei: onderwijzing in de christelijke religie naar gereformeerde belijdenis. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1909. [479]

As Maravilhas de Deus: Instrução na religião cristã de acordo com a confissão reformada. Translated by Fabrício Tavares de Moraes. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Thomas Nelson Brasil, 2021. [890]

하나님의일: 조직신학편람. Translated by Yŏng-gyu Kim. 서울 [Seoul]: 기독교문서선교회 [Kidokkyo Munsŏ Sŏnʼgyohoe], 1984. [727]

基督教神學 [Jidu jiao shen xue]. 初版 [Chu ban; 1st ed]. Translated by Zhao Zhonghui. 台北市 [Taipei shi]: 基督教改革宗翻譯社出版, 改革宗出版有限公司 [Jidu jiao Gai ge zong fan yi she chu ban, Gai ge zong chu ban you xian gong si], 1989. [730]

基督教神學 [Jidu jiao shen xue]. 三版 [San ban; 3rd ed]. Translated by Zhao Zhonghui. 台北市 [Taipei shi]: 基督教改革宗翻譯社出版, 改革宗出版有限公司 [Jidu jiao Gai ge zong fan yi she chu ban, Gai ge zong chu ban you xian gong si], 1997. [745]

《我们合理的信仰》[中文简体版]. Translated by Zhao Zhonghui. 南方出版社 [Nánfāng chūbǎn shè], 2011. [831]

基督教神学. Translated by Charles Chao. Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship, 1993. [735]

하나님의큰일. Translated by Yŏng-gyu Kim. 서울 [Seoul]: 기독교문서선교회 [Kidokkyo Munsŏ Sŏnʼgyohoe], 1999. [755]

Teologia Sistemática: Fundamentos teológicos da fé cristã. Translated by Vagner Barbosa. Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, SP: Socep, 2001. [887]

개혁교의학 개요. Translated by Kwang-yŏn Wŏn. 고양 [Goyang]: 크리스챤다이제스트 [Kʻŭrisŭchʻyan Taijesŭtʻŭ], 2004. [765]

سلسلة بين العقل والإيمان [bayna al-ʿaql wa-al-īmān; Between Mind and Faith]. [793]

Nuestro Dios Maravilloso: Una Teología Sistemática. Translated by Juan Sebastián Rojas. Salem, Oregón: Kerigma Publicaciones, 2020. [864]

23. "Our Reasonable Faith: Bavinck on the Origin and Essence of Man." Torch and Trumpet 7:4 (1957): 15 . [697]

24. Biblical and Religious Psychology. Translated by H. Hanko. Protestant Reformed Theological School, 1974. [709]

Bijbelsche en religieuze psychologie. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1920. (Two sources: "Bijbelsche Psychologie." De School met den Bijbel / Orgaan van het Gereformeerd Schoolverband (4 januari 1912 – 5 maart 1914); "Religieuze Psychologie." De School met den Bijbel / Orgaan van het Gereformeerd Schoolverband (11 juni 1914–22 april 1920).) [603]

25. Our Reasonable Faith. Reprint. Translated by Henry Zylstra. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1977. [714]

Magnalia Dei: onderwijzing in de christelijke religie naar gereformeerde belijdenis. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1909. [479]

26. The Doctrine of God. Reprint. Translated by William Hendriksen. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1977. [715]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 2. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1897. [145]

27. "The Problem of War." Translated by Stephen Voorwinde. The Banner of Truth (July-August 1977): 46–53. (partial translation) [716]

← "Het probleem van den oorlog." Stemmen des Tijds 4 (1914): 1–31. [550]

28. "Sanctification." In M. J. Erickson, ed., The New Life: Readings in Christian Theology, 169–98. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1979. (Section from Our Reasonable Faith, p. 469–513) [717]

29. The Doctrine of God. Reprint. Translated by William Hendriksen. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1979. [718]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 2. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1897. [145]

30. The Philosophy of Revelation: The Stone Lectures for 1908-1909, Princeton Theological Seminary. Reprint. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1979. [719]

Wijsbegeerte der openbaring: Stone-lezingen voor het jaar 1908, gehouden te Princeton N.J.. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1908. (bevat ook andere Amerikaanse lezingen) [471]

31. "Calvin and Common Grace." In E. Doumergue, A. Lang, H. Bavinck and B. B. Warfield, Calvin and the Reformation. Four studies. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1980. [721]

32. The Certainty of Faith. Translated by Harry der Nederlanden. St. Catherines, ON: Paideia Press, 1980. [722]

← "De zekerheid des geloofs." Tijdschrift voor Gereformeerde Theologie 9 (1901-1902): 129–198. [380]

A Certeza da Fé. Translated by Fabrício Tavares de Moraes. Brasília, DF: Editora Monergismo, 2018. [889]

33. "Foundations of Psychology." In Jack Vanden Born, Herman Bavinck’s Foundations of Psychology, 1–165. Calvin College, 1981. (MACS thesis) [724]

Beginselen der psychologie. 2e druk. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1923. (bezorgd door V. Hepp) [654]

34. "The Lord Is Coming." Christian Renewal 1:9 (1983): 1,15. [725]

← "Maran-atha." Het Kerkblad der Gereformeerde Kerk in Zuid-Afrika 23:472 (1921): 1–2. [625]

35. "Common Grace." Translated by R. C. van Leeuwen. Calvin Theological Journal 24 (1989): 38–65 . [729]

De algemeene genade: rede gehouden bij de overdracht van het rectoraat aan de Theol. School te Kampen op 6 December 1894. Kampen: G. Ph. Zalsman, 1894. [120]

36. The Doctrine of God. Reprint. Translated by William Hendriksen. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1991. [731]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 2. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1897. [145]

37. "Herman Bavinck on Scripture and Science." Translated by A. Wolters. Calvin Theological Journal 27 (1992): 91–95. (Excerpt from Gereformeerde Dogmatiek (1928)) [733]

38. "The Catholicity of Christianity and the Church." Translated by John Bolt. Calvin Theological Journal 27 (1992): 220–51. [734]

De katholiciteit van christendom en kerk: rede gehouden bij de overdracht van het rectoraat aan de Theol. School te Kampen op 18 December 1888. Kampen: G. Ph. Zalsman, 1888. [68]

39. "Christianity and the Natural Sciences." Translated by A. Wolters. In J. M. van der Meer, ed., Facets of Faith and Science, vol. 2, The Role of Beliefs in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences: An Augustinian Perspective, 47–52. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1996. ((a translation of the concluding section, pages 196-202 in the Dutch edition)) [737]

← "Christendom en natuurwetenschap." In Kennis en leven: opstellen en artikelen uit vroegere jaren, verzameld door Ds C.B. Bavinck, 184–202. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1922. [637]

40. The Last Things: Hope for this World and the Next. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1996. (Translation of Gereformeerde Dogmatiek IV, hoofdstuk 11, “Over de laatste dingen”) [738]

41. The Doctrine of God. Reprint. Translated by William Hendriksen. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1997. [744]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 2. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1897. [145]

42. The Certainty of Faith. 2nd ed. Translated by Harry der Nederlanden. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, 1998. [751]

← "De zekerheid des geloofs." Tijdschrift voor Gereformeerde Theologie 9 (1901-1902): 129–198. [380]

43. In the Beginning. Foundations of Creation Theology. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1999. (vertaling van: Gereformeerde dogmatiek II, hoofdstuk 5, Over de wereld in haar oorspronkelijke staat) [754]

44. "Herman Bavinck on Creation: Excerpts from Our Reasonable Faith." Ordained Servant 9 (2000): 2–3. (From: Our Reasonable Faith, 170–73) [756]

45. "Herman Bavinck on the Covenant of Works." Translated by R. B. Gaffin. In H. Griffith and J. R. Muether., eds., Creator, Redeemer, Consummator: A Festschrift for Meredith G. Kline, 169–85. Greenville, SC: Reformed Academic Press, 2000. [757]

46. Our Reasonable Faith. Reprint. Translated by Henry Zylstra. Wipf and Stock, 2002. [759]

Magnalia Dei: onderwijzing in de christelijke religie naar gereformeerde belijdenis. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1909. [479]

47. Reformed Dogmatics. Vol. 1. Prolegomena. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2003. [760]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 1. 2e druk. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1906. (revised) [450]

Dogmática Reformada. Vol. 1. Prolegômena. Translated by Vagner Barbosa. São Paulo: Cultura Cristã, 2012. [801]

Dogmatika Reformed. Jilid 1. Prolegomena. Translated by Ichwei G. Indra and Irwan Tjulianto. Surabaya, Indonesia: Momentum, 2017. [839]

48. The Doctrine of God. Reprint. Translated by William Hendriksen. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2003. [761]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 2. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1897. [145]

49. "Calvin and Common Grace." In E. Doumergue, A. Lang, H. Bavinck and B. B. Warfield, Calvin and the Reformation. Four studies. Wipf and Stock, 2004. [762]

50. Reformed Dogmatics. Vol 2. God and Creation. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2004. [764]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 2. 2e druk. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1908. (revised) [466]

Dogmática Reformada. Vol. 2. Deus e a Criação. Translated by Vagner Barbosa. São Paulo: Cultura Cristã, 2012. [802]

Dogmatika Reformed. Jilid 2. Allah dan Penciptaan. Translated by Ichwei G. Indra and Irwan Tjulianto. Surabaya, Indonesia: Momentum, 2012. [837]

La dottrina di Dio e della creazione. Translated by Ruffa Giorgio. Caltanissetta: Alfa & Omega, 2018.

51. Reformed Dogmatics. Vol 3. Sin and Salvation in Christ. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006. [766]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 3. 2e druk. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1910. (revised) [487]

Dogmática Reformada. Vol. 3. O pecado e a salvação em Cristo. Translated by Vagner Barbosa. São Paulo: Cultura Cristã, 2012. [803]

Dogmatika Reformed. Jilid 3. Dosa dan Keselamatan di dalam Kristus. Translated by Ichwei G. Indra and Irwan Tjulianto. Surabaya, Indonesia: Momentum, 2016. [838]

52. Our Reasonable Faith. Reprint. Translated by Henry Zylstra. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007. [768]

Magnalia Dei: onderwijzing in de christelijke religie naar gereformeerde belijdenis. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1909. [479]

53. "Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper." Translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman. Mid-America Journal of Theology 19 (2008): 127–42. [769]

← "Calvijn’s leer over het Avondmaal." De Vrije Kerk 13:10 (oktober 1887): 459–86. [59]

54. "Christian Principles and Social Relationships." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 119–144. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [770]

← "Christelijke beginselen en maatschappelijke verhoudingen." In Christendom en maatschappij. Serie 1, nr. 1. Utrecht: Ruys, 1908. [465]

55. "Christianity and Natural Science." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 81–104. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [771]

← "Christendom en natuurwetenschap." Stemmen des Tijds 2 (1913): 343–77. [513]

56. "Classical Education." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 209–244. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [772]

← "Klassieke opleiding." Stemmen des Tijds 7 (1918): 46–65, 113–47. [588]

57. Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [773]

Verzamelde opstellen op het gebied van godsdienst en wetenschap. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1921. (met een woord vooraf van Coenraad Bernardus Bavinck) [634]

58. "Ethics and Politics." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 261–278. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [774]

← "Ethiek en politiek." In Verslagen en mededeelingen der Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, Afdeeling letterkunde, 5e reeks, deel 2, 99–128. Amsterdam: Joh. Müller, 1916. [560]

59. "Evolution." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 105–118. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [775]

← "Contra." In Bavinck, Herman and Peter Gijsbert Buekers. Evolutie. Vol. 3, no. 3, 21–38. Baarn: Hollandia, 1907. [454]

60. "Of Beauty and Aesthetics." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 245–260. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [776]

← "Van schoonheid en schoonheidsleer." In Almanak van het Studentencorps aan de Vrije Universiteit voor het jaar 1914, 121–143. Amsterdam: Herdes, 1914. (opgenomen in Verzamelde Opstellen, 262-280) [540]

61. "On Inequality." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 145–164. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [777]

← "Over de ongelijkheid." Stemmen des Tijds 2 (1913): 17–43. [522]

62. "Philosophy of Religion [Faith]." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 25–32. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [778]

← "Philosophie des geloofs." In Overdr. uit het Annuarium der Societas Studiosorum Reformatorum, 1918, 62–72. Leiden: Donner, 1918. [589]

63. "Primacy of the Intellect or the Will." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 199–204. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [779]

← "Primaat van verstand of wil?" Paedagogisch tijdschrift 13 (1921): 15–21. [629]

64. "Psychology of Religion." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 61–80. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [780]

← "Psychologie der religie." In Verslagen en mededeelingen der Koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, Afdeeling letterkunde, 4e reeks, deel 9, 147–176. Amsterdam: Joh. Müller, 1907. (opgenomen in Verzamelde Opstellen, 55-77) [460]

65. Reformed Dogmatics. Vol 4. Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by John Vriend. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [781]

Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Deel 4. 2e druk. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1911. (revised) [497]

Dogmática Reformada. Vol. 4. Espirito Santo, Igreja e Nova Criação. Translated by Vagner Barbosa. São Paulo: Cultura Cristã, 2012. [804]

66. Saved by Grace: The Holy Spirit's Work in Calling and Regeneration. Edited by J. Mark Beach. Translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman. Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2008. [782]

Roeping en wedergeboorte. Kampen: G. Ph. Zalsman, 1903. [424]

67. "The Essence of Christianity." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 33–48. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [783]

← "Het Wezen des Christendoms." In Almanak van het studentencorps a/d Vrije Universiteit. Edited by J. F. van Beeck Calkoen, J. H. Broeks Roelofs, H. C. Rutgers, A. A. van Schelven and J. Thijs, 251–277. Amsterdam: Herdes, 1906. [451]

68. The Sacrifice of Praise. Translated by Gilbert Zekveld. [818]

De offerande des lofs: overdenkingen vóór en na de toelating tot het heilige avondmaal. 's Gravenhage: Fred. H. Verschoor, 1901. [302]

69. "The Unconscious." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 175–198. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [784]

Over het onbewuste: Wetenschappelijke samenkomst op 7 juli 1915. Amsterdam: Kirchner, 1915. (Referaat gehouden op de Wetenschappelijke samenkomst der Vrije Universiteit op 7 juli 1915) [553]

70. "Theology and Religious Studies." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 49–60, 281–88. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [785]

← "Godgeleerdheid en Godsdienstwetenschap." De Vrije Kerk 18:5 (mei 1892): 197–225. [100]

71. "Trends in Pedagogy." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 205–208. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [786]

← "Richtingen in de paedagogiek." In Handelingen van het nationaal christelijk schoolcongres, gehoouden op 9, 10, 11 October 1913 te Utrecht, 61–69. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1913. [523]

72. "Trends in Psychology." In Essays on Religion, Science, and Society. Edited by John Bolt. Translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres, 165–174. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008. [787]

← "Richtingen in de psychologie." Paedagogisch tijdschrift 1 (1909): 4–15. [483]

73. "General Biblical Principles and the Relevance of Concrete Mosaic Law for the Social Question Today (1891)." Translated by John Bolt. Journal of Markets & Morality 13, no. 2 (2010): 437–46. [789]

← "Welke algemeene beginselen beheerschen, volgens de H. Schrift, de oplossing der sociale quaestie, en welke vingerwijzing voor die oplossing ligt in de concrete toepassing, welke deze beginselen voor Israel in Mozaisch recht gevonden hebben?" In Proces-verbaal van het Sociaal Congres, gehouden te Amsterdam den 9, 10, 11, 12 November 1891, 149–157. Amsterdam: Hövecker & Wormser, 1892. (Rapport ingediend voor sectie I van het congres, vgl. 359-371 en 80-83) [110]

74. "Herman Bavinck, ‘Forward’ to the First Edition (Volume I) of the Gereformeerde Dogmatiek." Translated by John Bolt. Calvin Theological Journal 45 (2010): 9–10. [790]

75. "John Calvin: A Lecture on the Occasion of his 400th Birthday, July 10, 1509—1909." Translated by John Bolt. The Bavinck Review 1 (2010): 57–85. [791]

Johannes Calvijn: Eene lezing ter gelegenheid van den vierhonderdsten gedenkdag zijner geboorte: 10 Juli 1509-1909. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1909. [478]

76. Reformed Dogmatics: Abridged in One Volume. Edited by John Bolt. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011. [794]

改革宗教义学(四卷精缩版). Edited by Hongjun Li and Hongming Luo. Covenant Evangelical Theological Seminary, 2017. [830]

77. "The Kingdom of God, The Highest Good." Translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman. The Bavinck Review 2 (2011): 133–70. [795]

← "Het rijk Gods, het hoogste goed." De Vrije Kerk 7:4-8 (april-augustus 1881): 185–92; 224–34; 271–77; 305–14; 353–60. [8]

El Reino de Dios: El Bien Supremo. Translated by Juan Sebastián Rojas. Cali, Colombia: Monte Alto Editorial, 2021. [865]

78. "Herman Bavinck on Scottish Covenant Theology and Reformed Piety." Introduced and translated by Henk van den Belt. The Bavinck Review 3 (2012): 164–77. (The title of translation: "Preface to the Life and Works of Ralph and Ebenezer Erskine") [806]

← Voorrede in Ralph en Ebenezer Erskine, Levensgeschiedenis en Werken van Ralph en Ebenezer Erskine, 1–6. Doesburg: J.C. van Schenk Brill, 1905. (verschenen in 47 afleveringen) [445]

79. The Christian Family. Edited by Stephen J. Grabill. Translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman. Grand Rapids, MI: Christian’s Library Press, 2012. [807]

Het christelijk huisgezin. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1908. [467]

Het christelijk huisgezin. 2e herziene druk. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1912. [508]

A Família Cristã. Translated by Gullit Belo. Natal, RN: Nadere Reformatie Publicações, 2022. [893]

80. "The Theology of Albrecht Ritschl." Translated by John Bolt. The Bavinck Review 3 (2012): 123–63. [808]

← "De Theologie van Albrecht Ritschl." Theologische Studiën 6 (1888): 369–403. [70]

81. "Letters to a Dying Student: Bavinck’s Letters to Johan van Haselen." Introduced and translated by James Eglinton. The Bavinck Review 4 (2013): 94–102. [809]

← "‘Mijn boeken houden mij trouw gezelschap.’ Vier brieven van Herman Bavinck aan een student." Edited by Wiljan Puttenstein. [788]

82. "The Imitation of Christ I (1885-86)." Translated by John Bolt. In John Bolt, A Theological Analysis of Herman Bavinck’s Two Essays on the Imitatio Christi: Between Pietism and Modernism, 372–401. Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013. [866]

← "De Navolging van Christus." De Vrije Kerk 11:3, 5; 12:7 (maart, mei 1885; juli 1886): 101–13; 203–13; 321–33. [55]

83. "The Imitation of Christ II (1918)." Translated by John Bolt. In John Bolt, A Theological Analysis of Herman Bavinck’s Two Essays on the Imitatio Christi: Between Pietism and Modernism, 402–40. Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2013. [867]

← "De navolging van Christus en het moderne leven." In Kennis en leven: opstellen en artikelen uit vroegere jaren, verzameld door Ds C.B. Bavinck, 115–44. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1922. [641]

84. "Addendum: The Influence of the Protestant Reformation of the Moral and Religious Condition of Communities and Nations." Mid-America Journal of Theology 25 (2014): 75–81. [827]

85. "The Pros and Cons of a Dogmatic System." Translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman. The Bavinck Review 5 (2014): 90–103. [810]

← "Het voor en tegen van een dogmatisch systeem." De Vrije Kerk 7:10 (oktober 1881): 449–64. [9]

86. "Conscience." Translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman. The Bavinck Review 6 (2015): 113–26. [812]

← "Het geweten." De Vrije Kerk 7:1, 2 (januari-februari 1881): 27–37; 49–58. [7]

87. "Herman Bavinck’s Modernisme en Orthodoxie: A Translation." Translated by Bruce R. Pass. The Bavinck Review 7 (2016): 63–114. [813]

Modernisme en Orthodoxie: rede gehouden bij de overdracht van het Rectoraat aan de Vrije Universiteit op 20 October 1911. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1911. [499]

88. "Christian Piety." Translated by Willem J. de Wit. (https://wjdw.nl/2017/12/13/herman-bavinck-on-christian-piety-and-religious-fanaticism/) [832]

← "Christelijke vroomheid." Review of Reformateurs, by C. B. Hylkema. De Bazuin 48:12 (1900). [199]

89. "Eloquence." In Herman Bavinck on Preaching and Preachers. Edited and translated by James Eglinton. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2017. [868]

De welsprekendheid: eene lezing. Gewijzigde herdruk. Kampen: G. Ph. Zalsman, 1901. [305]

90. Herman Bavinck on Preaching and Preachers. Edited and translated by James Eglinton. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2017. [815]

91. Bavinck, Herman and James Eglinton. "Herman Bavinck’s ‘My Journey to America’." Dutch Crossing 41, no. 2 (2017): 180–93. [816]

Mijne reis naar Amerika. Edited by George Harinck. Barneveld: De Vuurbaak, 1998. (Series: Ad Chartas-reeks 2) [750]

92. Bavinck, Herman, Henk van den Belt and Mathilde de Vries-van Uden. "Herman Bavinck’s Preface to the Synopsis Purioris Theologiae." The Bavinck Review 8 (2017): 101–14. [817]

← "Praefatio." In Synopsis purioris theologiae: disputationibus quinquaginta duabus comprehensa ac conscripta per Johannem Polyandrum, Andream Rivetum, Antonium Walaeum, Antonium Thysium, S.S. Theologiae Doctores et Professores in Academia Leidensi. Editio sexta, iii–vii. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Didericum Donner, 1881. [826]

93. "The Sermon and the Service." In Herman Bavinck on Preaching and Preachers. Edited and translated by James Eglinton. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2017. [869]

← "De Predikdienst." De Vrije Kerk 9:1 (januari 1883): 32–43. [42]

94. "The World-Conquering Power of Faith." In Herman Bavinck on Preaching and Preachers. Edited and translated by James Eglinton. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2017. [870]

← "De wereldverwinnende kracht des geloofs: leerrede over 1 Joh. 5 : 4b, uitgesproken in de Burgwalkerk te Kampen den 30sten Juni 1901." Kampen: G. Ph. Zalsman, 1901. (ter gelegenheid van de aanwezigheid van Paul Kruger) [306]

95. "Traveling." Translated by Willem J. de Wit. (https://wjdw.nl/2017/12/13/herman-bavinck-on-traveling-and-the-theology-of-nature/) [833]

← "Op reis." De Bazuin 48:35 (1900). [248]

96. "Foundations of Psychology." Translated by John Bolt, Nelson D. Kloosterman and Jack Vanden Born. The Bavinck Review 9 (2018): 1–244. [872]

Beginselen der psychologie. 2e druk. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1923. (bezorgd door V. Hepp) [654]

97. "Herman Bavinck’s Religion and Theology: A Translation." Translated by Bruce R. Pass. Reformed Theological Review 77:2 (August 2018): 88–135. [854]

Godsdienst en godgeleerdheid: rede gehouden bij de aanvaarding van het Hoogleeraarsambt in de Theologie aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam, op Woensdag 17 December 1902. Wageningen: Vada, 1902. [391]

98. The Philosophy of Revelation. A New Annotated Edition. Edited by Cory C. Brock and Nathaniel Gray Sutanto. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2018. [829]

99. "Calvin’s Doctrine of Sin." Edited and translated by Gregory Parker. The Bavinck Review 10 (2019): 102–8. [860]

100. Christian Worldview. Edited and translated by Cory C. Brock, James Eglinton and Nathaniel Gray Sutanto. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2019. [834]

Christelijke wereldbeschouwing: rede bij de overdracht van het rectoraat aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam op 20 october 1904. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1904. [427]

Cosmovisão Cristã. Translated by Fabrício Tavares de Moraes. Brasília, DF: Editora Monergismo, 2022. [891]

101. Bavinck, Herman, Andrew Kloes and Harry Van Dyke. "Herman Bavinck’s Foreword to Unbelief and Revolution." The Bavinck Review 10 (2019): 75–84. [871]

← Voorrede in Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer, Ongeloof en revolutie: Eene reeks van historische voorlezingen, 3e druk, v–xiii. Kampen: J. H. Bos, 1904. [435]

102. Reformed Ethics: Created, Fallen, and Converted Humanity. Vol. 1. Edited by John Bolt. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2019. [836]

Gereformeerde ethiek. Edited by Dirk van Keulen. Utrecht: KokBoekencentrum, 2019. [835]

103. The Sacrifice of Praise. Edited and translated by Cameron Clausing and Gregory Parker. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2019. [828]

De offerande des lofs: overdenkingen vóór en na de toelating tot het heilige avondmaal. 's Gravenhage: Fred. H. Verschoor, 1901. [302]

104. The Wonderful Works of God: Instruction in the Christian Religion according to the Reformed Confession. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Seminary Press, 2019. [840]

As Maravilhas de Deus: Instrução na religião cristã de acordo com a confissão reformada. Translated by Fabrício Tavares de Moraes. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Thomas Nelson Brasil, 2021. [890]

105. "Modernism and Orthodoxy." In On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations. Edited and translated by Bruce R. Pass, 146–182. Leiden: Brill, 2020. [851]

Modernisme en Orthodoxie: rede gehouden bij de overdracht van het Rectoraat aan de Vrije Universiteit op 20 October 1911. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1911. [499]

106. On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations. Edited and translated by Bruce R. Pass. Leiden: Brill, 2020. [847]

107. "Religion and Theology." In On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations. Edited and translated by Bruce R. Pass, 107–145. Leiden: Brill, 2020. [850]

Godsdienst en godgeleerdheid: rede gehouden bij de aanvaarding van het Hoogleeraarsambt in de Theologie aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam, op Woensdag 17 December 1902. Wageningen: Vada, 1902. [391]

108. "The Science of Holy Theology." In On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations. Edited and translated by Bruce R. Pass, 30–60. Leiden: Brill, 2020. [848]

De wetenschap der H. Godgeleerdheid: rede ter aanvaarding van het leeraarsambt aan de Theologische School te Kampen, uitgesproken den 10 Jan. 1883. Kampen: G. Ph. Zalsman, 1883. [43]

109. "The Teaching Office." In On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations. Edited and translated by Bruce R. Pass, 61–106. Leiden: Brill, 2020. [849]

Het doctorenambt: rede bij de overdracht van het rectoraat aan de Theologische School te Kampen op 6 Dec. 1899. Kampen: G. Ph. Zalsman, 1899. [167]

110. "Head and Heart." Translated by Gregory Parker. Modern Reformation 30:6 (2021). [861]

← "Hoofd en hart." In Christophilus. Jaarboekje van het Nederlandsch Jongelings, 71–75. [101]

111. "Reading, Thinking, Speaking." Translated by Gregory Parker. Modern Reformation 30:1 (2021). [862]

112. Reformed Ethics: The Duties of the Christian Life. Vol. 2. Edited by John Bolt. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2021. [855]

Gereformeerde ethiek. Edited by Dirk van Keulen. Utrecht: KokBoekencentrum, 2019. [835]

113. "Christianity." In What Is Christianity? Edited and translated by Gregory Parker, 3–62. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Academic, 2022. [859]

Het Christendom. Baarn: Hollandia, 1912. (Groote godsdiensten, Serie II, No. 7) [509]

114. "Faith and Love." Edited and translated by Gregory Parker. Triquetra: A Publication of Cairn University (spring 2022). [883]

← "Geloof en liefde." Maandblad van de Jongelingsvereeniging ter bevordering van Christelijk leven “Excelsior” 245 (augustus 1909): 121–22. [476]

115. Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion. Edited and translated by Cameron Clausing and Gregory Parker. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Academic, 2022. [856]

Handleiding bij het onderwijs in den christelijken godsdienst. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1913. [517]

116. "The Christian Faith." In What Is Christianity? Edited and translated by Gregory Parker, 63–78. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Academic, 2022. [858]

← "Het Christelijk geloof." De Vrije Kerk 9:1,2,4 (januari, februari, april 1883): 44–47; 90–95; 184–93. [46]

117. What Is Christianity? Edited and translated by Gregory Parker. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Academic, 2022. [857]

118. Christianity and Science. Edited and translated by Cory C. Brock, James Eglinton and Nathaniel Gray Sutanto. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2023. [913]

Christelijke wetenschap. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1904. [428]

119. The Christian Philosophy of Science. Translated by Jan Adriaan Schlebusch. Refcon Press, 2023. [914]

Christelijke wetenschap. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1904. [428]

120. Biblical and Religious Psychology. Edited by Gregory Parker. Translated by H. Hanko. Grandville, MI: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2024. [915]

Bijbelsche en religieuze psychologie. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1920. (Two sources: "Bijbelsche Psychologie." De School met den Bijbel / Orgaan van het Gereformeerd Schoolverband (4 januari 1912 – 5 maart 1914); "Religieuze Psychologie." De School met den Bijbel / Orgaan van het Gereformeerd Schoolverband (11 juni 1914–22 april 1920).) [603]

121. "Herman Bavinck's introduction to meeting of the "Association of Reformed Schools in the Netherlands" (1915)." Translated by Steve Bishop. [918]

← "Verslag van een korte inleiding naar aanleiding van Spreuken 4:1–13, uitgesproken op de Algemene Vergadering van het Verband tussen Gereformeerde Scholen in Nederland." De School met den Bijbel (5 augustus 1915). [554]

122. "Pedagogical Principles." Translated by Steve Bishop. [919]

← "Paedagogische beginselen." De School met den Bijbel 2 no. 7-8 (1904). [434]

123. "Review of Kuyper’s The Work of the Holy Spirit, part I." Translated by Steve Bishop. [920]

← Review of Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, by A. Kuyper (deel I). De Bazuin 36:25 (1888). [65]

124. "Review of Kuyper’s The Work of the Holy Spirit, part II." Translated by Steve Bishop. [921]

← Review of Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, by A. Kuyper (deel II). De Bazuin 37:8 (1889). [76]

125. "Review of Kuyper’s The Work of the Holy Spirit, part III." Translated by Steve Bishop. [922]

← Review of Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, by A. Kuyper (deel III). De Bazuin 38:2 (1890). [84]